PLEASE NOTE:  This form must be completed, submitted, and received in the Pastors R&R office before your date of departure!  Thank you!


  1. Limited to full-time pastors and their families (or parachurch leaders and their families, on a limited basis).  Note:  When circumstances warrant, a pastor and his/her spouse may be eligible to participate without their children, at the sole discretion of Pastors R&R. 
  2. NO smoking or candle burning at any time, inside or on the premises. 
  3. NO drugs or alcoholic beverages. 
  4. NO adult-rated, pornographic, indecent, or inappropriate material or media of any kind. 
  5. NO pets.  Sorry, no exceptions! 
  6. NO additional guests without prior consent of Pastors R&R and the property owners(s)/host(s). 
  7. All long distance calls must be made with the guest’s calling card or by calling collect.  Guests will be held responsible for all long-distance internet access and/or phone fees they incur. 
  8. Missing or broken contents will be paid for by guests. 
  9. Movie rentals should be G/PG rated (family oriented), and consistent with Biblical standards and values. 
  10. Guests must plan to stay for the entire time arranged (minimum of 12 days excluding travel time) unless otherwise pre-approved or an emergency arises.  We ask that you please not change your arrival and departure dates unless absolutely necessary, as any changes made will likely affect the housekeeper, host property owner, other Pastors R&R guests, and the staff of Pastors R&R.  If, however, you determine it is absolutely necessary to change your dates, it is imperative that you contact Pastors R&R immediately.
  11. Guests must wash linens and towels prior to departure.  Guests must also refill consumable supplies used, such as, hand soap; dish(washer) detergent; laundry detergent and fabric softener; facial tissue; toilet tissue; paper towels; garbage can liners, etc.
  12. Guests must pay a housecleaning fee ($80.00 or, in some cases, higher), if applicable, unless other arrangements have been made in advance. 
  13. Guests must call PRR Coordinator, and housekeeper of property (if applicable), approximately one week before departure to confirm their plans, or provide notification if/as otherwise directed in their Vacation Instructions/Information. 
  14. Guests must be considerate of others in the area, neighborhood, complex, etc., with whom they may come in contact, so as to exhibit a respectful and positive testimony for Jesus Christ. 
  15. CANCELLATION POLICY:  Pastors R&R requires at least 30-days-notice, preferably 60 days, (unless there is a true emergency) so we can attempt to fill your reservation with another pastor and family.  Generally, speaking, pastors are unable to make vacation plans with short notice so, the less notice we receive, the more likely it is that we will be unable to fill your spot, resulting in wasted time at the property (and sometimes lease money) and, potentially, the loss of an opportunity for another family to have a vacation. Failure to promptly contact us will likely disqualify you from future participation in the PRR program.


    1. Please complete the entire application as all fields are required.
    1. By entering my name and the names of all those participating in this vacation we agree to the terms set forth on this site.
    2.  *